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4. WOS-ID: N-8022-2018
5. Publon-ID: 1480860
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7. Garuda ID: 2391582
8. AD Scientific Index: 544650
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Intellectual Property Right (IPR-National)
- Buku: Integritas Akademik Insan Kampus: Teori Dan Praktik Pada Pendidikan Tinggi
- Buku: Rancangan & Pengembangan Program Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi
- Buku: Online Assessment: Panduan Guru Sekolah Dasar
- Program Komputer DigestaVista
- Penguatan Lembaga Etik Ilmiah Dalam Pengelolaan Penelitian dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Untuk Mencapai Akreditasi
- Modul: Pelatihan Video Marketing Berbasis Capcut
- Modul: Tips Dan Strategi Pemanfaatan Ai Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran
- Modul: Pelatihan Dasar Desain Grafis Berbasis Adobe Illustrator
- Modul: Pelatihan Desain Grafis Menggunakan Aplikasi Canva Untuk Meningkatkan Promosi Produk UMKM
- Modul: Pelatihan Pembuatan CV ATS Friendly
- Modul: Pelatihan Pembuatan Multimedia Linear berbasis Adobe After Effect
- Modul: Modul Pelatihan Strategi Membangun Portofolio Diri Yang Menarik Menggunakan Microsoft Power Point
- Modul: Pelatihan UI/UX Personal Branding Digital Melalui Website
- Modul: Modul Pelatihan Video Pembelajaran Berbasis Reels
- Modul: Tips & Trick Berpenghasilan Melalui Konten Media Sosial
- Modul: Pelatihan Personal Branding Sebagai Seorang MC di Media Sosial Instagram
- Modul: Pelatihan Dasar-Dasar Digital Marketing Strategi Dan Taktik Yang Efektif
- Modul: Modul Pelatihan Membangun Personal Branding di Linkedin
- Modul: Pelatihan Desain Ui/ Ux Menggunakan Aplikasi Figma Untuk Tampilan Website
- Modul: Pelatihan Prompter AI dalam Pengembangan Desain Grafis
- Modul: Membangun Personal Branding Melalui Public Speaking
- Modul: Peningkatan Social Media Marketing Melalui Pelatihan Fotograf Produk Menggunakan Smartphone Pada UMKM
- Modul: Pelatihan Pembuatan Multimedia Linier Berbasis Powtoon
- Modul: Tips & Strategi Lolos MSIB Kampus Merdeka
- Modul: Pelatihan Dasar Videografi Dalam Rangka Inovasi Media Pembelajaran
- Model Adaptive Learning Analytics Management System (ALAMS) Buku Ajar
- Hypercontent Terintegrasi Open Educational Resources (OER) Untuk Meningkatkan Mutu Perkuliahan Program Pendidikan Dan Pelatihan
- Program Aplikasi Adaptive Mobile Learning (AMOL)
- Desain Sistem Adaptive Mobile Learning (AMOL)
- Model Peer Collaborative Authentic Assessment (PECOLASE)
- Buku Panduan Program Pelatihan Blended Learning Menggunakan Platform Gnomio
- Pelatihan Pembuatan Multimedia Interaktif Menggunakan Adobe Flash
- Pelatihan Pembuatan Media 3D Digital Menggunakan Blender
- Pembuatan Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Autoplay
- Pelatihan Pembuatan Desain Layout Bahan Ajar Menggunakan Adobe Indesign
- Poster Proses Pengembangan Program Aplikasi Adaptive MobileLearning (AMOL)
- Pelatihan Teknik Videografi untuk Profil Perusahaan
- Desain Sistem Adaptive Mobile Learning (AMOL)
- Buku Panduan Program Pelatihan Persiapan Melamar Pekerjaan
- Buku Panduan Program Pelatihan Fotografi
- Poster Proses Pengembangan Model Adaptive Learning AnaliticsManagement System (ALAMS)
- Pelatihan Pembuatan Multimedia Interaktif Menggunakan Adobe Flash
Journal Articles
- Surahman, E., Wedi, A., Soepriyanto, Y., & Ulfa, S. (2024). Training of Online Assessment for Elementary School Teachers: Perception and Learning Outcomes. JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), 5(4), 1510-1529.
- Surahman, E. Curriculum and instructional designs on SDGs STEM learning. Inovasi Kurikulum, 21(2), 1177-1192.
- Ulfa, S., Surahman, E., Fatawi, I., & Tsukasa, H. (2024). Task-Technology Fit Analysis: Measuring the Factors that influence Behavioural Intention to Use the Online Summary-with Automated Feedback in a MOOCs Platform. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 22(1), 63-77.
- Surahman, E., & Wang, T. H. (2023). In-service STEM teachers professional development programmes: A systematic literature review 2018–2022. Teaching and Teacher Education, 135, 104326.
- Latumakulita, I. I., Supahar, S., Suparwoto, S., & Surahman, E. (2023). WhatsApp-Assisted JCL-Based Physics E-Book: Its Effect on Physics Learning Outcome in Senior High School. Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 9(4), 1846-1853. DOI: 10.29303/jppipa.v9i4.1871
- Pratama, U. N., & Surahman, E. (2023). Desain online project-based learning untuk pembelajaran menulis karya ilmiah pendidikan seni budaya. Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan Citra Bakti, 10(1), 184-198.
- Aisyah, E. N., Harun, H., Rohman, A., Hardika, H., & Surahman, E. (2023). Bullying Management Strategies for Indonesia’s Early Childhood Education Environment: A Bibliometric Study. International Research-Based Education Journal, 5(1), 86-96.
- Alfakihuddin, M. L. B., Surahman, E., & Haryani, F. (2022). The Application of Inquiry Intelligent Tutoring System in Biology Practicum. Journal of Education Technology, 6(4), 634-642.
- Kurniawan, C., Kusumaningrum, S. R., Lam, K. F. T., & Surahman, E. (2022). Improving Language Teaching and Learning Process with Dual Coding Theory Approaches. Jurnal Pendidikan: Teori, Penelitian, dan Pengembangan, 7(8), 281-289.
- Surahman, E., & Wang, T. H. (2022). Academic dishonesty and trustworthy assessment in online learning: a systematic literature review. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 38(6), 1535-1553.
- Thaariq, Z. Z. A., Surahman, E., & Kusworo, N. R. (2021). Analisis Tingkat Relevansi Kualifikasi Profesi Guru dari Bidang Teknologi Pendidikan di Sekolah. Jurnal Profesi Keguruan, 7(2), 248-262.
- Thaariq, Z. Z. A., & Surahman, E. (2021). How does educational technology answer challenges? Empirical theoretical studies and public perspectives. Journal of Education and Learning (EduLearn), 15(3), 474-482.
- Kustiawan, U., Yafie, E., & Surahman, E. (2021). Development of a Video on Three-Dimensional Origami Creation Techniques to Improve the Practical Handicraft Skills of Teacher-Candidate College Students. International Online Journal of Education and Teaching, 8(1), 335-345.
- Surahman, E*., & Ulfa, S. (2020). Pelatihan Perancangan Pembelajaran Berbasis Computational Thinking untuk Guru Sekolah Dasar. JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), 1(2), 60-74.
- Pradipta, R. F., Dewantoro, D. A., Surahman, E., & Oktaviani, H. I. (2020). Pelatihan Standar Pengelolaan Sekolah Luar Biasa Berbasis Digital untuk Mewujudkan Smart School Society 5.0. JURPIKAT (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat), 1(2), 136-143.
- Surahman, E*., Sulthoni, S., Ulfa, S., Husna, A., Ramdiana, H., Thaariq, Z. Z. A., … & Qolbi, M. S. U. (2020). Pelatihan Micro Learning Object Berbasis TPACK bagi Guru-Guru SMA di Garut. Abdimas Pedagogi: Jurnal Ilmiah Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat, 3(1), 1-14.
- Surahman, E*., Satrio, A., & Sofyan, H. (2020). Kajian Teori Dalam Penelitian. Jurnal Kajian Teknologi Pendidikan, 3(1), 49-58.
- Surahman, E*., Kuswandi, D., Wedi, A., Degeng, I. N. S., Setyanti, D. A., & Thaariq, Z. Z. A. (2019). Adaptive learning analytics management system (Alams): An innovative online learning approach. International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change, 5(4), 413-430.
- Surahman, E*. (2019). Integrated Mobile Learning System (Imoles) Sebagai Upaya Mewujudkan Masyarakat Pebelajar Unggul Era Digital. JINOTEP (Jurnal Inovasi Dan Teknologi Pembelajaran) Kajian Dan Riset Dalam Teknologi Pembelajaran, 5(2), 50-56.
- Soepriyanto, Y., Sihkabuden, S., & Surahman, E. (2019). Pengembangan Obyek 3d Digital Pada Meja Piramida Hologram Untuk Pembelajaran Kelas. Jurnal Kajian Teknologi Pendidikan, 1(4), 333-339.
- Az-Zahroh, S. F., Thaariq, Z. Z. A., Surahman, E., Widyasari, C. M., Qolbi, M. S. U., & Diana, R. C. (2019). Developing Ethic Game (Ethnomathematics Game): The Instructional Media of Culture Mathematics with Tringo by Ki Hadjar Dewantara. JPP (Jurnal Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran), 26(2), 43-50.
- Pradipta, R. F., Surahman, E., & Ummahh, U. S. (2019). Pemberdayaan Siswa Berkebutuhan Khusus Dalam Mengakses Open Access System Untuk Meningkatkan Capability Learner. Jurnal Praksis dan Dedikasi Sosial, 2(2), 62-67.
- Surahman, E*., & Supriyanto, A. (2018). Peningkatan Keterampilan Mengajar Dosen Muda Melalui Lesson Study. Edcomtech Jurnal Kajian Teknologi Pendidikan, 3(1), 35-38.
- Surahman, E*., & Surjono, H. D. (2017). Pengembangan adaptive mobile learning pada mata pelajaran biologi SMA sebagai upaya mendukung proses blended learning. Jurnal Inovasi Teknologi Pendidikan, 4(1), 26-37.
Conference Proceedings
- C. Kurniawan, E. Surahman, D. D. Utami, R. M. Nordin, W. Hasanah and A. Aniisah, “Data Visualization of Online Differentiated Learning Implementation on Students’ Time Spend in Learning,” 2024 10th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET), Malang, Indonesia, 2024, pp. 74-78, doi: 10.1109/ICET64717.2024.10778467.
- S. Ulfa, E. Surahman, B. B. Wiyono, A. Wedi and S. W. M. Diningrat, “Investigating Factors Shaping Behavioral Intention in Mobile-Based Assessment for Junior High School Students During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Indonesia,” 2024 10th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET), Malang, Indonesia, 2024, pp. 222-230, doi: 10.1109/ICET64717.2024.10778446.
- Surahman, E., Kurniawan, C., & Aulia, F. (2024, October). Strategi Membangun Budaya Integritas Akademik di Perguruan Tinggi. In Prosiding Seminar Nasional PGSD UST (Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 1-13).
- Ulfa, S., Wedi, A., Fatawi, I., Surahman, E. (2024). Predicting Students’ Learning Outcomes in Massive Open Online Courses. Proceedings – International Conference on Education and Technology, ICET, pp. 71-75.
- Surahman, E*. (2023, February). Exploring Front Line Teachers Roles in Managing Remote School: A Narrative Inquiry Study. In International Conference on Educational Management and Technology (ICEMT 2022) (pp. 30-43). Atlantis Press.
- Kurniawan, C., & Surahman, E*. (2023, February). How to Create and Manage an Innovative Business Startup Using a Design Thinking Approach?. In International Conference on Educational Management and Technology (ICEMT 2022) (pp. 247-259). Atlantis Press.
- Surahman, E*., Liao, Y.-C., Lin, Y.-C., & She, E. (2022, October). Digital News Transformation on Education in the Most Affected Country by COVID-19 Using the Topic Modeling and Sentiment Analysis. In 2022 8th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) (pp. 99-106). IEEE. doi: 10.1109/ICET56879.2022.9990686.
- Surahman, E., Wang, T. H., Lam, K. F. T., Pratama, U. N., & Aisyah, E. N. (2022, January). Investigating Elementary Teachers’ Understanding, Beliefs, and Intentions toward STEM and Computational Thinking in Education. In 2022 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Education (ICIT&E) (pp. 175-180). IEEE.
- Kurniawan, C., Kusumaningrum, S. R., Surahman, E., & Zakaria, Z. (2022, January). Clustering of Fine Art-Images as Digital Learning Content using Data Mining-Image Analysis Techniques. In 2022 2nd International Conference on Information Technology and Education (ICIT&E) (pp. 37-42). IEEE.
- Surahman, E*., Kurniawan, C., & Pratama, U. N. (2021, December). The Appropriate Remote Learning Methods During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Rural Schools in Indonesia. In International Conference on Information Technology and Education (ICITE 2021) (pp. 120-127). Atlantis Press.
- Surahman, E*., Sulthoni, S., & Pratama, U. N. (2021, November). Online Observation Protocol to Supervise Online Learning and Its Sample Report. In 7th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2021) (pp. 6-12). Atlantis Press.
- Surahman, E*., Wang, T. H., Thaariq, Z. Z. A., Sugiarti, D., Pratama, U. N., & Aisyah, E. N. (2021, September). High School Teacher’s Perception toward Online Assessment in Blended Learning. In 2021 7th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) (pp. 230-234). IEEE.
- Pratama, U. N., & Surahman, E. (2021, September). Perceptions of Performing Arts Education Students’ on Infographic-based Presentations as Learning Media for Online Meeting Video. In 2021 7th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) (pp. 140-146). IEEE.
- Prastiawan, A., Gunawan, I., Putra, A. P., Dewantoro, D. A., Cholifah, P. S., Nuraini, N. L. S., … & Surahman, E. (2020, December). School Leadership Skills in Educational Institutions. In 6th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2020) (pp. 438-441). Atlantis Press.
- Nuraini, N. L. S., Cholifah, P. S., Putra, A. P., Surahman, E., Gunawan, I., Dewantoro, D. A., & Prastiawan, A. (2020, December). Social Media in the Classroom: A Literature Review. In 6th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2020) (pp. 264-269). Atlantis Press.
- Surahman, E*., Thaariq, Z. Z. A., Qolbi, M., & Setiawan, A. (2020, December). Investigation of the High School Teachers TPACK Competency in South Garut, West Java, Indonesia. In 6th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2020) (pp. 461-466). Atlantis Press.
- Thaariq, Z. Z. A., Surahman, E., Puspita, R. D., Faiza, N., & Khumairoh, F. N. (2020, November). Professionalism of Primary School Teachers in Selection of Learning Models and Media to Achieve Instructional Goals. In 2nd Early Childhood and Primary Childhood Education (ECPE 2020) (pp. 165-172). Atlantis Press.
- Pratama, U. N., & Surahman, E. (2020, October). Investigating Student Responses of Online Learning during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Performing Art Education. In 2020 6th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) (pp. 64-69). IEEE.
- Surahman, E*. (2020, October). Student Satisfaction toward Quality of Online Learning in Indonesian Higher Education During the Covid-19 Pandemic. In 2020 6th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) (pp. 120-125). IEEE.
- Zainul, R., Adri, M., Wahyuningtyas, N., Wedi, A., Surahman, E., Aisyah, E. N., … & Santoso, Y. (2020, July). Development of e-Learning Courses for Subjects about ‘Learn and Learning’with Moodle-based for Prospective Teacher in Indonesia. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1594, No. 1, p. 012023). IOP Publishing.
- Wahyuningtyas, N., Zainul, R., Adri, M., Wedi, A., Surahman, E., Aisyah, E. N., … & Santoso, Y. (2020, July). Development of Moodle-based Content Learning System in MKDK Student Development Subjects at LPTK in Indonesia. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1594, No. 1, p. 012021). IOP Publishing.
- Adri, M., Zainul, R., Wahyuningtyas, N., Wedi, A., Surahman, E., Aisyah, E. N., … & Santoso, Y. (2020, July). Development of Content Learning System in Professional Education Subjects for Educational Institutions in Indonesia. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 1594, No. 1, p. 012022). IOP Publishing.
- Surahman, E*., & Antariksa, W. (2020, May). Adaptive Mobile Learning Application As An Innovative Learning Media To Support The Quality Of Blended Learning Process. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Quran and Hadith Studies Information Technology and Media in Conjunction with the 1st International Conference on Islam, Science and Technology, ICONQUHAS & ICONIST, Bandung, October 2-4, 2018, Indonesia.
- Ulfa, S., Fattawi, I., Surahman, E., & Yusuke, H. (2019, October). Investigating Learners’ Perception of Learning Analytics Dashboard to Improve Learning Interaction in Online Learning System. In 2019 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) (pp. 49-54). IEEE.
- Surahman, E*., Ulfa, S., Husna, A., Slamet, T. I., Qolbi, M. S. U., Setiawan, A. B., … & Diana, R. C. (2019, October). The Effect of Blended Training Model to Improving Learning Outcomes: A Case in MicroLearning Object Training. In 2019 5th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) (pp. 33-38). IEEE.
- Elmunsyah, H., Hidayat, W. N., Ulfa, S., Surakhman, E., & Wakhidah, R. (2020, January). Measuring user experience on personalized online training system to support online learning. In IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering (Vol. 732, No. 1, p. 012115). IOP Publishing.
- Surahman, E*., Kuswandi, D., & Wedi, A. (2019, December). Students’ Perception of Project-Based Learning Model in Blended Learning Mode Using Sipejar. In International Conference on Education Technology (ICoET 2019). Atlantis Press.
- Surahman, E*., Wedi, A., Soepriyanto, Y., & Setyosari, P. (2018, December). Design of Peer Collaborative Authentic Assessment Model Based on Group Project-Based Learning to Train Higher Order Thinking Skills of Students. In International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET 2018). Atlantis Press.
- Kuswandi, D., Surahman, E., Thaariq, Z. Z. A., & Muthmainnah, M. (2018, October). K-Means Clustering of Student Perceptions on Project-Based Learning Model Application. In 2018 4th International Conference on Education and Technology (ICET) (pp. 9-12). IEEE.
- Surahman, E*. (2018, October). The Role of Excellent Center of Science and Technology (IPTEKS) for Building Research Culture and Publication: A Case Study at the Bandung Institute of Technology Indonesia. In 3rd International Conference on Educational Management and Administration (CoEMA 2018). Atlantis Press.
- Wedi, A., & Surahman, E. (2017, September). Mapping of Learning Achievement and Profile of Graduates of Bachelor of Education Technology in Several Universities in Indonesia as an Effort to Strengthen Development Profession of Competitive Instructional Technology. In the 9th International Conference for Science Educators and Teachers (ICSET 2017). Atlantis Press.
- Surahman, E*., & Alfindasari, D. (2017, September). Developing Adaptive Mobile Learning with the Principle of Coherence Mayer on Biology Subjects of High School to Support the Open and Distance Education. In 3rd International Conference on Education and Training (ICET 2017). Atlantis Press.
- Surahman, E*. (2017). Engaged Authentic Assessment (Eaa) Berbasis Self and Peer Assesment (Spa) Sebagai Inovasi Evaluasi Pembelajaran Abad 21. Grafika Indah, I, 69-81.
- 2024 Integritas Akademik Insan Kampus: Teori dan Praktik pada Pendidikan Tinggi
- 2024 Online Assessment Panduan Guru Sekolah Dasar
- 2024 Surahman, E. (2024). Rancangan & Pengembangan Program Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Berbasis Kompetensi. Academia Publication.
- 2021 Jejak Langkah Dosen & Tendik UM Di Luar Negeri
- 2020 Teori dan implementasi teknologi pendidikan: era belajar abad 21 dan revolusi industri 4.0
- 2019 Metodologi penelitian pendidikan : konsep dan praktek metodologi penelitian pendidikan